The Dutch Fashion Foundation presented together with Mercedes-Benz the fashion salon "Prelude". On Monday, January 26, 2009, Sjaak Hullekes, Sebastic, Marcha Hüskes, Mattijs, Conny Groenewegen and Catta Donkersloot presented their AW09/10 collection during the AIFW 2009.
Designer Mada van Gaans & Destination Shop owner Robert Risteski

HTNK's Carlo Wijnands & Stylist Ruud van der Peijl
Stylist Thomas Vermeer
Stylist Bonnie Orleans Voss
singer Hadewich Minis & actress Hanna Verboom

Spice PR's Davy Hezemans & Candy Reding & Marissa Waller-Akersloot