Monday my colleague Tedje (thank you for driving me through Amsterdam the whole week) and I had a great lunch at The great Room (Canal House). With a beautiful view over the great summer garden we enjoyed lunch and talked over all pending things we are working on. All of a sudden I saw this beautiful lady and recognised her because of her cute little dog Licorice, it was Famke Janssen.
Another day, another inspiring meeting... This time with James and Georgina from Canal House at café George. We discussed some very exciting plans and we left with lots of great ideas. After that we had to say goodbye to our Coebergh colleague Leroy. After years he left the company and we had a nice intimate goodbye drink at Het Molenpad. A busy evening because Tedje and I also went to the Bulgari Store at the PC Hooftstraat because of the Bulgari | St. Pellegrino launch. A beautiful designed bottle which will be served in some top restaurants and venues. We ended the week with a great meeting with Bulgari and had lunch at Mazzo. Also some exciting upcoming plans, so in a nutshell it was a very nice and productive week! Saturday and Sunday will be all about finishing my own new 'place to be'...my new home!