Last night was the "Stylist Swap Shop Evening" here at Spice PR. We invited the Amsterdamer stylist scene for a small get together on a Thursday evening. While the Chanel documentary was projected on the wall, we had delicious Martini drinks, listened to some music and swapped a little. We are looking forward to the next "Stylist Borrel" so long, stay tuned and be excited!

Stylists: Sophia van der Hoek & Amber Bosch

Stylist Wilma van Pomeren & Photographer Chantal Keizer aka "The Swapping Queens"

Swapping crowd: Stylist Amber Bosh & Spice PR's Nana Murbandono & Fashionscene's Elysah Jacobs &
Spice PR's Somy Choi

Spice PR's Davy Hezemans & Stylist Wilma van Pomeren
On the Barcelona chair : Sophia van der Hoek & Amber Bosch

Spice PR's Marissa Waller-Akersloot & Morris Nieuwenhuis

Stylist/artist Victor de Bie with Spice PR's Nana Murbandono

Joel & Spice PR's Davy Hezemans & Stylist master Bastiaan van Schaik

Joel & Spice PR's Julie Hoyng

Mr. Sonny Groo joined as well